Friday, April 17, 2009

A different kind of transition

I am not sure how many of you approach your triathlon season when it comes to planning your training but I am guessing a number of you are just like me. In the late fall, winter, and early spring you focus on building a base and at some point in the spring you start to transition into a training phase where you can start to do more focused training efforts that will better prepare you for races. That is what I am currently preparing to do. This weekend wraps up my building phase and Monday I start do workouts that will start to look more and more like race simulations so that there are no surprises during that first race. Up to this point it has been pretty much broad strokes like, run this many miles today, and swim this many laps tomorrow and ride this many miles that day. Starting Monday it becomes more like Running Pyramids on a local track with predetermined splits and increasing levels of intensity. To be honest, I am really looking forward to it. I have built a pretty strong base and I have approximately 7 weeks of tweaking until that first week and I pretty excited about where I am at this point in my training.

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